Friday, September 01, 2017

No sympathy from "Charlie Hebdo."

September 1, 2017
By Amanda Erickson

...The art (click here) on the Charlie Hebdo cover shows swastika flags and hands raised in what looks like Nazi salutes poking out above floodwaters. The text reads: "God exists! He drowned all the neo-Nazis of Texas." The illustration is an apparent reference to Texans' support of Donald Trump, who won 52.6 per cent of the state's vote in the presidential election....

The White Supremacists of Texas don't live along the coast. The people that live along the coast are poor and work for the White Supremacists. There were 47.4 percent that didn't vote for Trump. That is an all time high.

Many of the people being rescued are African Americans and their children. 

If God was talking it was in answer to Pope Francis. I guess there is something in it for everyone.

It is important not to lose sight of the terrible nature of the administration in DC. While trying to bask in the glory of heroes in Texas, Trump is still carrying out some really awful policies.