Monday, September 25, 2017

He really is a lousy president. Who ever picks on the NFL?

September 24, 2017
By Manuela Tobias

A vehicle plows (click here) into a group of counter-protesters marching in Charlottesville.

President Donald Trump (click here) blamed low National Football League ratings and attendance on unpatriotic players.

"NFL attendance and ratings are WAY DOWN. Boring games yes, but many stay away because they love our country. League should back U.S.," Trump tweeted on Sept. 24, 2017. 

This is the year 2017, nearly 2018 and there are still White Supremacist demonstrating, killing people and of all places, holding office in Congress. I think the NFL has it's head screwed on straight. Trump has a long way to come to get his screwed on straight.

FOX News wants the NFL to lead a constructive conversation about race. Really? Why not start with Heather Heyer's mother and the people assaulted in Charlottsville, Virginia.

There is actually something to dialogue about? I don't think so.