Sunday, August 27, 2017

I just don't believe exploring the causes of Harvey is appropriate until the storm resolves.

This is a picture of a friend's son in his backyard just south of Houston. There is no running water. The waves are from him wading into the water to look down toward his neighbors. That water isn't going anywhere anytime soon. The reflection in the water shows blue skies. He and his household (including dog) eventually walked out to higher ground and other friends. 

They have to. There is no guarantee the water is going to stop rising. I hate the idea of wading through water, but, it is the only viable way out for many. When there is high water there are also critters that are trying to find a way out, too. It get's dangerous. There could be chemicals and all kinds of stuff in that water. Adding chaos to American neighborhoods is not a good idea.

Harvey is a new standard for storms on Earth. The United Nations Security Council needs to take up the subject. There are plenty of scientists that would be willing to address the physics of this storm. The USA's climate policies have to be taken to task. 

I would expect export sanctions against the USA of any methane or oil products. I would also expect any other insults to the troposphere caused by the USA to be placed into a UN Resolution to move forward with sanctions to bring compliance to international norms.

This cannot be overlooked.

Perhaps a summit by the UN to discuss this is in line with the concern all people should have with the climate. We have just witnessed a mass extinction event of corals. These dynamics are of great concern. Great concern. This isn't just a storm. The USA would like to minimize the concern by thinking about it that way, but, Harvey is far more than a storm. Harvey is a statement about the climate. It is important it is all contextualized.

Until tomorrow.