Thursday, August 24, 2017

Harvey is showing classic Climate Crisis characteristics. Superstorm Sandy was over the Atlantic and had more surface area to develop a traditional appearance, but, Harvey's manifestation is similar to Sandy's in that it is enormous.

The larger 'the system (feeder system),' the lower the velocity and the lower the rating of the storm. That has nothing to do with the damage because the water content of these Climate Crisis storms is enormous.

I have stated on more than one occasion there needs to be new language and definitions for a heating planet. 

When Harvey manifested in the Caribbean it never really dissipated. It was distributed over a larger feeder system. At one time there was a vortex over Florida. That was all part of the feeder system to this storm system. There are all kinds of elements that feed these Climate Crisis storms, including, movement of water vapor from the ITCZ.

Harvey never dissipated, it simply was water starved.

Earth has a very dry troposphere. Hurricanes begin in the 21st Century with a build up of water vapor into the troposphere. In other words, air turbulence and waves crashing on the shoreline of continents turn the ocean into water vapor. The feeder systems for these storms are very different. The troposphere has to build water vapor content before the storms manifest.

The dry troposphere is why there are such strong tornado outbreaks. Whoever thought mountains with valleys containing water vapor would see tornadoes develop there. It is all different.