Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Obama Administration should protect the country across the board before their term is concluded.

I find it alarming to realize the President Elect dismisses the intelligence in the USA. This would directly effect elections in the USA and shows Donald Trump will do anything to win an election, including lies that delude the electorate and now accepting the help of a foreign power to win his presidency. That is not someone that loves this country, but, wants the power of the USA to use for his own purpose.

Donald Trump has changed his direction on nearly every campaign promise he made to his constituency. He is not a moral man. He cares not about this country and it's people. He is a Republican hack that represents more of the establishment than any other president before him. "W" still holds the record for lies in entering Iraq to carry out an agenda that was to benefit cronies. People died in Iraq, including our soldiers, that should be alive today. Saddam Hussein was never that much of a threat to the USA and could have been dealt with differently. So, we'll see if Trump tops "W"s record.

The way in which Donald Trump disregards USA intelligence is very troubling.

December 29, 2016
By Dustin Volz and Joel Schetman

The Obama administration plans (click here) to announce on Thursday a series of retaliatory measures against Russia for hacking into U.S. political institutions and individuals and leaking information in an effort to help President-elect Donald Trump and other Republican candidates, two U.S. officials said on Wednesday....

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency and Office of Director of National Intelligence agree that Russia was behind hacks into Democratic Party organizations and operatives ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election. There is also agreement, according to U.S. officials, that Russia sought to intervene in the election to help Trump, a Republican, defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Russia has repeatedly denied hacking accusations. Trump has dismissed the assessments of the U.S. intelligence community....