Thursday, November 17, 2016

The financial sector can now end their doomsday prediction of Brexit.

November 16, 2016
By Ben Chu

The jobless rate (click here) edged down to 4.8 per cent in September, the lowest since 2005

The unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest rate in 11 years, but analysts warned of signs of a hiring slowdown in the wake of the 23 June Brexit vote.

The Office for National Statistics reported that the jobless rate edged down to 4.8 per cent in September, from 4.9 per cent previously, the lowest rate since the summer of 2005....

Brexit is a full financial quarter old and all the sour predictions of the financial sector are "W"rong!

More working citizens is far better than syphoning jobs to a Third World Country. From now going forward Brexit is part of the financial landscape and the Parliament is a highly inappropriate place for removing Brexit conditions. The financial sector didn't like it because they were over extended and lost at least three of their seven shirts.

If the British Parliament interfers with Brexit the people will have to put more Brexit friendly politicians in place in the future. Brexit is now a political standard to use as a measure of political choices.

Brexit = less investment monies flowing out of the United Kingdom and far less turbulence in what defines the economy of the United Kingdom.