Wednesday, June 08, 2016

If there is any doubt the Republican Party is racist, this should set the record straight.

Words stated in a safe setting tells the real person.

June 6, 2016
By Judd Legum

...A column in the Financial Times (click here) published Tuesday gave us a peek. Mary Childs, a financial correspondent for FT, reported on what she observed at a private hedge fund conference in May.
The conference featured a debate between Donna Brazile, former campaign manager for Al Gore’s unsuccessful presidential run and prominent member of the Democratic Party, and Karl Rove, a Republican strategist and commentator best known as the chief political adviser to George W. Bush.
At a certain point the discussion Rove offered this “joke” to Brazile, who is black:

I did you a great favor bringing you into politics in the 1860 campaign and this is how you repay me? We’re happy you got the right to vote but it wasn’t your current party that was responsible for it.

Childs didn’t find this funny, calling Rove’s quip “patronizing and insensitive.”
She noted that the hedge fund conference felt like a “safe space” for a white man to tell a highly successful African-American woman that she owed her success to him. Not one of the industry speakers at the conference were black and less than 15 percent were women.
At the event, Brazile noted that Rove was also factually incorrect. As a woman, Brazile did not receive the right to vote until 1920 and as a black woman did not have her right to vote protected until the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In an interview with ThinkProgress, Brazile went further, saying Rove’s perspective was emblematic of a problem infecting the entire Republican Party....