Monday, May 02, 2016

I am happy Hillary Clinton has found her stride. But, I'll still caution; don't count on 'the woman card' to carry the election. It failed most Democrats in 2014. Fund raising is one thing, campaigning is something different.

May 2, 2016
By Christina Wilkie
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (click here) raised a record-setting $2.4 million dollars for her presidential campaign during the last three days of April. And she has Donald Trump to thank for it
“If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote,” Trump said in a victory speech last Tuesday. “The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card.”
Clinton’s response was swift: “If fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in!”
Within hours, Clinton’s campaign had released a “woman card.”