Saturday, May 07, 2016

Donald Trump won by the rules. Live with it. He is. He is correct, the RNC was never playing by the same rules he has.

Senator Lindsay Graham is a sorry SOB. He agreed to the conditions that Donald Trump did when he signed a pledge and now the establishment RNC is wondering why god is not on their side? God or is it Gold, really.

May 7, 2016
By Patrick Healy and Jonathan Martin

By seizing the Republican presidential nomination for Donald J. Trump (click here) on Tuesday night, he and his millions of supporters completed what had seemed unimaginable: a hostile takeover of one of America’s two major political parties.
Just as stunning was how quickly the host tried to reject them. The party’s two living former presidents spurned Mr. Trump, a number of sitting governors and senators expressed opposition or ambivalence toward him, and he drew a forceful rebuke from the single most powerful and popular rival left on the Republican landscape: the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan.
Rarely if ever has a party seemed to come apart so visibly. Rarely, too, has the nation been so on edge about its politics.
Many Americans still cannot believe that the bombastic Mr. Trump, best known as a reality television star, will be on the ballot in November. Plenty are also anxious about what he would do in office....