Sunday, April 17, 2016

This is N20.

Nitrous Oxide is a three atom molecule considered to be a compound. It is composed of two nitrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. 

The two nitrogens are triple bonded. One of the nitrogen molecules is then double bonded to an oxygen molecule.

Yes, triple bonds are stronger than double bonds are stronger than single bonds. The bond length is in picometers. Bonds are real things that are measured and studied.

This is another exceptionally stable molecule no different than H20. It is also known as Dinitrogen monoxide.

It has uses in medicine as an anesthetic. It is affectionately called "Laughing Gas." It is listed with the WHO (World Health Organization) in it's "Model List of Essential Medicines" simply because it a basic form of anesthesia. 

Nitrous oxide in one hundred year period has 298 times the impact of carbon dioxide.