Sunday, April 17, 2016

The reason the USA went into Libya is because Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi turned his military on his own people and were going to kill the entire population of Benghazi. The fact Libya disarmed from nuclear weapons is not a man being a nice guy and was working with the USA. 

The USA and France's intervention into Libya was to end the capacity of Libya'a ability to kill other Libyans. It wasn't about anything else and I refuse to apologize for a middle east that was imploding of it's own weight.

Al Gaddafi was correct. The only way to stop the undeclared civil war as a CONVENIENCE FOR THE USA POLITICS, was to identify the opposition to his dictatorship as a danger to the country and kill them in totality. In realizing he was correct did the USA and its western allies want to stand by ignore the violence and killing and let the USA's politics be protected by genocide? Because those were the options. Either end the killing by Gaddafi and take the political heat in the USA and Europe over the continued civil war PAST the removal of Gaddafi or allow the carnage of the Libyans in east Libya.

No one was applauding the death of Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi in the USA or Europe. He was murdered and that is the classification of his death. The opposition in Libya hated him that much. It was always the hopes of people, like the Late Ambassador Chris Stevens, that the West had influence with the people in places like Benghazi to bring about reform after the threat of death was removed. But, then there was that stupid video and militias USA intelligence didn't know existed.