Thursday, April 21, 2016

Over the last few weeks I have been hearing excuses from voters this primary season, "I hear about some folks voting for Senator Sanders because they are told if Senator Sanders doesn't win they will vote for Trump."

To those who succumb to peer or lover influence should not give into other's will. 

Do not do it. Honor yourselves and vote the way you want to and be proud. No one has to discuss it. And in a social circle don't discuss your VERY PERSONAL DECISIONS. 

Try this, "I can see why you voted the way you did. It was well thought through." And leave it there or say, "I agree with you and your strength." Just leave it there.

BUT, FIRST, honor yourself.

A friend should not come with ultimatums. That is not a true friend. No one has a friend if they shame them.

If a voter feels strongly about their vote, then get into a social circle that honors you.

There should NEVER be a threat of violence. No matter the circumstances there should never be concern of retaliation no matter what forms it takes. I am concerned for people who are compromising their best self in FEAR of rejection or more.

Vote the way you believe you should vote. I am confident all the candidates would say the same thing. Voting is about virtue, not fear.

Honor yourself first.