Thursday, April 21, 2016

Donald Trump is very correct. There have been transgender ? men ? sharing bathrooms with little girls already. For decades.

Ted Cruz actually expects pedophiles to share bathrooms alone with little girls? Really? Where is their mother?

Representatives from the Transgender community (it is wrong to have to do this, but, there are ignorant morons in the USA) should make a You Tube video with a friends little girls. Seriously. What else is there to do?

Are there no transgender people with families? Children? Now is the time for You Tube. Faces can be blurred.

What is a legislated bill going to do, place Panty Police at the doors to bathrooms? Perhaps transgender will need Bathroom IDs. What next special cities for Trans people? Ain't no way it is going to happen.

"Real men don't stand to pee and splash on the floor."

"Real men don't examine the "Hand Size" of other men in the men's room."

"Real men don't care about Long Dong Silver." Let me ask something here. How do men actually know how the length of their penis measures up to others? Sneak a peek? Really?

"Real men long for privacy no differently than women."

One last question; "At when during puberty does the male gender become obsessed with penis size?" I know of a few coaches who took advantage of that idea, with or without engorgement. Oh, too big a word? Erection. That easier? I mean the blood drain must be amazing and I am sure there is some validity to comparisons of genetic numbers in women over men. The difference isn't necessarily genetically based as radical feminists believe. There must be a reason why academic performance drops off in the male gender at an age around junior high school.

April 21, 2016
By Eric Levitz

Donald Trump (click here) says transgender people should be able to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate." On NBC's Today show Thursday morning, the GOP front-runner said he opposes North Carolina's "very strong" bathroom bill, which prohibits transgender residents from doing just that.
"North Carolina did something that was very strong and they're paying a big price. And there's a lot of problems." Trump said. "Leave it the way it is. North Carolina, what they're going through, with all of the business and all of the strife — and that's on both sides — you leave it the way it is. There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic punishment they're taking."
Trump went on to say that he opposes the idea of creating a new, third bathroom specifically for transgender people because "that would be discriminatory, in a certain way," and because "it would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country."...