Saturday, April 09, 2016

It is a perfect paradigm for the gun lobby.

And it is all based in race. If people believe as I do that eye sight actually dominates any other reason to believe otherwise, the use of minority citizens as a source of fear is a guarantee to it's success.

Wayne LaPierre states the “only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”... (click here). To begin that is a sexist statement, but, it is the trademark of the NRA. It is understood to be a minority citizen that is the bad guy with a gun.

I believe the people that wrote about the coming Superpredator expected a very different reaction by the country. They perhaps expected a society to begin outreach to the places where the violence was taking place, but, in a country where capitalism is far stronger a force than social programs, the warning turned into a reason for people to arm themselves. The minorities men became feared and pushed to the margins of society. The fear element created it's own population of men with no alternatives.

"The Superpredator Scare" (click here)