Saturday, April 09, 2016

I am not a liar.

I don't believe how crooked the Republican primaries are. The Republicans hold a primary and candidates win delegates, but, those candidates aren't guaranteed to them unless they find candidates loyal to their vote.

That is about as bad as it comes. Wasn't in 2014 when candidates were paid a million $US to get out of the race? 

There is a very clear reason why Republicans are corrupt and it starts at the grassroots of the party. I can't believe the country puts up with this disaster of a political party.

Donald Trump's candidacy has been very instructive. I betcha there is bribery/payments involved to insure delegates. They are dishonest to the core.

I completely understand why Ross Perot ran as an independent. It is the only moral content to run as a conservative candidate. It probably is also far less expensive.

There is a real reason why the Republicans were devoured by the Tea Party and if they have to run on the extremes, then they'll do it. It is the only way of purging the old, corrupt Republican Party.

2008 gave the Tea Party the platform they have been looking for in a long time. It is why they immediately started their funding with the Kochs and organized before the inauguration of President Obama. It is like Earth when the mammals rose out of what seemed like nowhere. They were there all the time, but, the brutal reality of the dinosaurs ended with the KT extinction.

I watched it happen. 2008 was an opportunity to bring the far less wealthy Republican grassroots to the prominence and replace the corruption. They still haven't succeeded though, the old dinosaur rules still dominate the RNC.

The Republicans need to get rid of the corruption in it's delegation process. The primaries are completely corrupt from what I can tell. There is a reason why Ted Cruz is 'out there.' The Old Republicans are feeling their reliable corrupt process slipping from their grasp. It took a billionaire to take on the process and even he didn't know the extent it was corrupt.

The Trump Campaign is going to have a heck of a book to write when this is over. I hope they have the guts to name names.

It is absolutely outrageously corrupt to have delegates that are free to do as they please after a candidate won them at primaries, caucuses and otherwise. Amazing how stupid the entire mess actually is. It is every man for themselves in achieving name recognition as a delegate. It is a capitalist paradigm.

Politics is suppose be the one place in the USA democracy where corruption doesn't exist and the volunteer is upheld as living up to moral regard. The Republicans haven't got it right and when it comes to November I hope the old school Republicans and their apostles are decimated.