Sunday, February 21, 2016

This is corruption.

February 21, 2016
By Aliki Moncrief

Recently I watched Florida Senate leaders crush (click here) an amendment to the budget bill that would have allowed the state to buy critical conservation lands.

The amendment would have increased money for Florida Forever, allowing greater protection for rivers, lakes, forests and beaches before they are destroyed to make way for more strip malls and sprawling subdivisions.

Florida voters want conservation, as most recently evidenced by the Water and Land Conservation Amendment which passed by 75 percent in 2014. If the entire state budget were a dollar, voters directed lawmakers to spend one penny to buy conservation lands for the benefit of future generations....

If I have to say it over and over, then I'll say it over and over. Corruption is nothing the people of the state expect or should reward by re-electing those that carry it out. Those dismissing the will of those that elected them should not return to their assemblies again.

Make is an election issue and educate the public about the actions against their will. Tell the public they are important when they cast votes and when those votes are not honored it is corruption. Use the words "...votes are made by people that expect to have their will honored..."