Sunday, February 14, 2016

It's Sunday Night

"Roses are red (click here)
Violets are blue
You are the President 
and I am your boo"

In response:

"Somebody called the situation room
because things are about to get hot
Michelle this Valentine's Day 
I am going to treat you right
I am going to make you some 
zucchini bread
and I'll spread out some veggies on a plate
just as you like them
And then I am going to give you a massage 
as you watch Ellen's Design Challenge on HDTV?
Because I love you so much
I Obamacare about you more than you know
That's right, Obama cares
But, Michelle I've made a lot of great decisions as President
The best decision I ever made was choosing you
Thanks for putting up with me
I love you,
And, Ellen, Happy Valentine's Day