Sunday, February 14, 2016

"...80 years since the last lame duck President chose a Justice to the Supreme Court." is a deliberate attempt at propaganda AT the public and electorate. It is another dog whistle.

February 14, 2016
By Amy Sherman
...The Senate confirmed (click hereKennedy 97-0 on Feb. 4, 1988. That was about 28 years ago -- not 80.
Kennedy replaced Justice Lewis Powell, who retired, and was Reagan’s third nomination for the opening, after Robert Bork and Douglas Ginsburg. Powell announced his retirement in June 1987.
Reagan, who was in his second term, nominated Kennedy in November 1987. Kennedy was confirmed in February 1988. In November 1988, Reagan’s vice president George H.W. Bush won the presidency....
Rubio is wrong and this is the best example to prove how a candidate(s) simply dummy down the Republican electorate. We are right back to Etch-a-Sketch. The designer responses to simply signal the electorate rather than ENGAGING the electorate. 

I have been furious for as long as I can remember, about Republicans that treat their devoted electorate as idiots that need signals and minimized intelligence and rhetoric to MANAGE THEM. The Republican electorate has every right to be treated with esteem rather than being talked down to. I hope this is the beginning of a DIALOGUE with the electorate and not simply managing the public vote.

When the electorate is managed they are giving up their rights and acting in their best interest. It has to end.
Ben Carson needs to stop counting questions and instead only speak to unfair practices when they occur. It is unbecoming of him to bring up the subject when he has no objection to his treatment. It somehow seems vindictive.