Sunday, January 24, 2016

The USA government is foolish to turn over it's petroleum to Wall Street, especially to export. These are liquid reserves.

This is the liquid/crude oil reserves. It is not natural gas. Natural gas comes as a by product to drilling except for horizontal drilling. Horizontal drilling recovers natural gas. There is also natural gas/methane found with coal.

SA oil consumption daily as of 2013 (click here).

Below are the UNDISCOVERED areas of the USA believed to be technically recoverable.

27 Billion Barrels of Oil (BBO) The industry claims an optimistic 39 BBO. That is optimistic?

That's it. 27 Billion Barrels of Oil left in USA reserves and not the Republican Congress has allowed the petroleum industry to export USA oil.

Saudi Arabia is believed to have 280 BBO

Kuwait has about 104 billion barrels of oil. However, 5 billion barrels of oil in this count is within the Saudi-Kuwait Neutral Zone.

Venezuela has reported 297 BBO as of 2011.

Iran has estimates of 84 BBO, but, may be updated with markets open to them again.