Monday, January 11, 2016

"Morning Papers"

The Rooster


What did Original Forests look like before they were logged?

Below are the trees of "Old American Forests."

This particular picture is from California. These are trees that 'felled naturally.' And, yes, felled is a real word. But, the Old American Forests had trees hundreds of years old. In the case of the southern Cypress forests, some of the logged forests were over 2000 years old. They were alive when the Christians gave birth to their savior.

Trees are magnificent. You aren't going to believe this, but, they can recognize their family members through their roots when they contact other roots. The genetics match. Seedlings to young trees and grown trees.

Kindly realize this one reality. If they can recognize family, they are communicating. Recognition is vital to communication. Do you recognize everyone that passes you? No. But, do you always recognize your family? Think about it.