Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The officer baited Sandra.

He never stated to her that sometimes people speak up and that can be misunderstood as disrespect of a police officer. The signals she received from the officer stated it was okay to speak her mind. She did and evidently was simply led down a path that prompted his deciphering an insult to him. He was asking questions of her before she ever understood she was walking directly into an arrest.

The officer never stated she was compromising herself by speaking openly about her personal circumstances. If she spoke openly in hopes he would compassionately understand her life and it's path ahead, it was not regarded as important. He over reached his authority in engaging questions such as "Are you all right?", "Are you okay?, "You seem irritated to me." She answered his questions and believed it was an expression of respect to the officer. If she  wasn't suffering from a physical malady the question was inappropriate. 

He decided he didn't like her and her words and decided to arrest her. She lit a cigarette, probably to cope with the stress she was felling and she had no idea why she was suppose to put her cigarette out in her own car. As far as she was concerned there was nothing she did wrong. When he stated she was under arrest Sandra had no idea why. She asked why she was under arrest and he never answered her. He was abusive and asserting power over a woman that had no idea what was going on.

At one point the officer warns people that had gathered because of a woman being assaulted by police. What was he going to do if they didn't disperse shoot them? Tazer more people? The police officer's behavior was completely inappropriate and the arriving officer automatically believed there was a guilty woman out of control regardless of what upset her. 

Basically, to these police officers, citizens are nothing and the imposition of law overrides life itself.