Friday, December 18, 2015

The actions of Governor Snyder is heinous that allowed the exposure of Flint children to high level of lead.

Snyder needs to personally sued for allowing the danger to the children of lead in the water. He is not qualified to determine the quality of water. He is qualified as Governor to assign professionals to determine what is going on.

Where is the federal EPA? Where is President Obama regarding this travesty called a Governor? Snyder needs to be removed from office as he has allowed threats to children to exist at all!

December 18, 2015
By Sean Breslin
Something hasn't been right in Flint, Michigan, (click here) for months. Residents have been getting sick, and the water is so tainted that it damaged car parts at a General Motors plant.
Parents in town, like Lee Anne Walters, won't let their children drink water from the faucet, she told Michigan Radio. For months, they've been surviving off bottled water alone – even for showers.
The problem with the water supply, officials said, is lead. In 2014, Flint switched its water supply to the Flint River, NPR said, and studies of the city's children have revealed dangerously high blood lead levels, Mayor Karen Weaver said. Weaver said the lead could cause irreversible health problems for those who ingest it. As a result, she declared an emergency in hopes that state and federal assistance will put a stop to this "man-made disaster."...

General Motors needs to sue the Governor for damage to their engines. He is NOT accepting the warnings of professionals. He is rejecting the responsibility of a Governor to protect people and commerce. This is his second term and prepare for corruption beyond any definition known to the USA.


The people of Michigan need a "Snyder Watch" until this Governor is out of office.