Saturday, December 19, 2015

Senator Sanders wanted his website known. (click here)

Single Payer: There is a segment of the American public that believes in Single Payer known as Medicare for All. (click here) Kindly notice the endorsements by medical professionals, thank you.

Bernie believes (click here) that the challenges facing the American healthcare system need to be addressed immediately—they are a matter of life and death. He has always believed that healthcare is a human right and should be guaranteed to all Americans regardless of wealth or income. He prizes the health and wellness of individuals over corporate profits. Additionally, he supports future legislation to curb drug costs and tackle fraud in the industry. Altogether, universal healthcare serves as a strong foundation for his policy goals....

Senator Sanders is not out in left field regarding free education. There are plans by the Obama administration to provide free education for community colleges. So, Senator Sanders is in line with good policies to keep Americans educated and employed.

In a highly competitive global economy, (click here) we need the best-educated workforce in the world. It is insane and counter-productive to the best interests of our country and our future, that hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college, and that millions of others leave school with a mountain of debt that burdens them for decades. That shortsighted path to the future must end....

Governor O'Malley on education based in "On the Issues." (click here) 

"On the Issues" is quoted by pundits during elections. Any inaccurate information should be changed.

Governor O'Malley on taxes in Maryland:

It takes someone who knows his state to actually see the necessity of increasing taxes during times of recession. He didn't let a careless Wall Street undo the public interests of the state. It teaches Wall Street there is no sympathy for their mismanagement. Considering this aspect to his governorship there is good reason to have a living wage for the middle class; it raises tax income along with quality of life. A living wage relieves Welfare or Work Fare, whatever you want to call it. When a person/family is earning a living wage, there is no need for food stamps either.

May 30, 2015
By Richard Phillips

At a time (click here) when many governors stubbornly rejected new revenues despite their states’ weak fiscal positions, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s was one of only a few governors who championed tax increases to preserve his state’s public investments even during the Great Recession....

This is Hillary Clinton's Higher Education Plan. (click here)