Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Most cottage industries in the USA are interested in expanding their product sales within the USA. This is not important.

This is the USA - Vietnam Trade Agreement and the international organizations that impact it.

...Noting that Vietnam (click here) is a developing country at a low level of development, is in the process of economic transition and is taking step to integrate into the regional and world economy by, inter alia, joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), and working toward membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO)...

It isn't as though the USA doesn't have trade agreements with all these countries, but, the TPP provides for other agreements to take place while there may be disputes under TPP standards. It appears as though there is going to be a concensus of standards of the TPP partners and all countries will have their standards adjusted to a common understanding. That means the foreign source requirement on food labels in the USA will be negated. The standards for products in the USA that American consumers demand will be compromised.

The TPP is a return to melamine and compromises consumer safety.

Organic ProductsThe annex on organic products will promote trade in organic products and will encourage cooperation between the Parties on issues related to the production, processing, or labeling of products as organic.

Who sets the standard?