Wednesday, October 07, 2015

A no fly zone over Syria is unrealistic.

The United Nations Security Council will have to pass a resolution. Russia will veto it. So when Republicans talk about Syria they need to be realistic and not proposing methods that absolutely won't work.

The ONLY productive conversation about Russia and Syria lies along human rights abuse. If Russia was so interested in stabilizing Syria why did it take so long? The deaths and the mass movement of people out of Syria is because Russian abandoned their ally. And why?

Because Russia is scared of the USA and when Ukraine presented itself as a threat to Russia's eastern border Syria was abandoned. The Russian ships in Syrian's port left and didn't at all leave behind a force to stabilize the country AT LEAST on the coast where the Alawites call home.

Russia abandoned Syria and Assad was then focused on eastern Syria where the Alawites were. Assad didn't take up the fight against Deash. It was the Arab Coalition that took up the fight against Daesh. 

And, by every measure that is still the case today. There needs to be a great of communication between Russia and the USA regarding Syria. There needs to be a resolution brought to the UN Security Council ASSIGNING longitude and latitude to the territories the Arab Coalition is carrying out destabilization of Syria and the longitude and latitude of the Russian support of the Assad government. Quite frankly the UN Security Council needs to be meeting daily because there are issues with Syria and there are enormous problems burgeoning in Europe with the invasion of young men into Germany.