Friday, September 11, 2015

Watching the air attacks on MSNBC (I have watched it every year. There is always something new I hear.) it became clear why Donald Trump became political.

One World Trade Center was  1,368 feet (417 m). 

Trump International Center in Chicago is 1,389 feet (423 m)

Trump Tower in New York City is far less in height than the Chicago tower is 861 feet high.

Donald Trump has a vested interest in USA policy regarding national security. I had put those pieces together until I was watching that film. 

I am sorry the attacks of 911 has had such a profound impact on his life. That apology goes to the owners of all the skyscrapers that are a point of pride for USA cities. 

Donald Trump is very serious about his candidacy. Very. Interesting guy. It begins to explain his tenacity.