Friday, September 11, 2015

It never fails.

Every time I put Michael Moore on this blog the government interrupts my internet. Every time. It doesn't matter if it is a Michael Moore reference or the TCFF, the government crawlers attack my computer. Amazing.

How long since Fahrenheit 911? Eleven years, right? 


Vladimir Putin and Russia doesn't even do that. Seriously. The USA has far too much money.  

Homeland Security needs to be looking for the bad guys, not citizens. It is shameful. 

This is what our tax dollars are doing, looking for supporters of anti-war movements. Far too much money. 

Michael Moore is a citizen of the USA. He is a brilliant documentarian and that is the real issue. He is a brilliant man with a long history of fighting for the little guys. 

I never get this type of computer disruption when I do advocacy regarding the planet. It is ridiculous. It is harassment of completely innocent people that happen to believe the USA military can be a wayward product of the USA government. Go, ahead, deny it. The USA military, not it's soldiers. The USA military establishment needs to deny it has fought completely unnecessary wars. Go ahead, deny it. 

See, the Republicans will cut spending for the most "W"rong reasons in the world. It will cut food stamp benefits, but, don't touch the Department of Homeland Security. Go ahead, cut spending to Planned Parenthood and cause another decrease of the bond rating for the USA. It will increase the interest rate on the national debt and use up more tax dollars for unproductive purposes. But, whatever Congress does it should not cut the military budget and money for border guards to our southern border. Let 'em starve in the USA.