Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ready for some good news? Yes?

This is the latest map of large incident fires in the USA. (click here)

Everyone did notice Pope Francis visited this week, right?

I am just sayin'. 

He hasn't gotten around to curing the drought yet, but, it is better. Wow. 

Go figure. Rain comes to Cuba and the fires are extinguished in the Western USA.

One coincidence I can understand. But, two? It's interesting. I think it is very safe to say, Pope Francis has a direct connection in his spiritualism.

September 22, 2015
By Veronica Rocha

Sacramento, Calif. (click here) — As firefighters continued to advance on the deadly wildfires in Northern California, President Barack Obama declared a major disaster for the Valley fire.
The move frees up federal assistance for home repairs, replacements and other aid. California Gov. Jerry Brown requested the declaration this week.
Meanwhile, authorities continued their efforts to locate two men who went missing in the Valley fire.
Sheriff's officials said they are now using cadaver dogs to assist in the search for Robert Litchman, 61, of Middletown, and Robert Fletcher, 66, of Cobb.
Authorities remain "hopeful that these people are relocated and returned and reunited with their loved ones," Lake County Sheriff Brian Martin said.
The Valley fire — which destroyed an estimated 1,238 single-family homes, 23 multi-family homes and hundreds of other structures — is now the third most-destructive wildfire in California history, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire. As of Tuesday morning, it had burned 76,067 acres and was 75 percent contained....