Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pope Francis started his remarks with the reference to children. He talked about the pain of children and how society allows it to exist. 

He stated there needs to be a better outcome for these men. He stated the church is available to help to return the prisoners to a life worth living.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The age of the prisoners is 18 to 21 years old. That youth of the prisoners lends itself to the realization Pope Francis states in that children that live with pain are destined for such outcomes.

The pain Pope Francis is referring to is inclusive, it is not simply physical pain that can be fixed with a pill.

There is some talk to improve the ability of former inmates to return to society with the focus on "The Box." "The Box" is the place where the former convict has to answer the question, "Were you ever incarcerated?" They have served their time and they need to get on with lives of value to society.  

The USA currently has 25 percent of Earth's jailed population. GOT THAT? There was no doubt Pope Francis was going to address mass incarceration. 

It is my understanding Pope Francis challenges the USA to address it's problems than put them in prison.