Friday, September 25, 2015

At least Gingrich admits there are Republican hardlines that have a chronic agenda to remove Speaker Boehner. In his own words, John Boehner states it was impossible to carry out governance in the face of continual decent in the House. He stated the votes that were being demanded was not good for the institution and he refuses to call for them. He stated in good conscience he could not carry out the votes. But, I suppose McCarthy can.

If John Boehner was that conflicted between the DEMANDS on his authority to deliver function to the House and the dysfunction he had to deliver than it was overwhelming. One can look at the US Constitution for just so long in opposition to it's demands on the authority of leadership before it becomes hideous.

One would think with so many returns from the Supreme Court conflicting with the political agenda of the Republican hardliners, they would learn something. But, they learn nothing about governance and remain stupid and stubborn as if that is going to carry out a bloodless coup of the US Constitution.

Speaker Boehner will be resigned by the time the November deadline to move the CR to votes for the 2016 budget. The House is now a circus with media backing from FOX and CNN. The right wing media is anticipating their role in creating complete dysfunction in the House; the ratings will be great. 

McConnell is announcing adjournment until Monday the 28th at 4:30 PM. There were no votes in the Senate today. The State Dinner is this evening.