Monday, August 24, 2015

Yeah, yeah, yeah; Wall Street is facing a day of disappointment. I am having a diffult time findng sympathy for their bad hair days.

The world is facing the sixth extinction and a planet with escalating dangers to life itself that Wall Street invested in heavily for decades. The number of acres being burned to the ground is becoming ever so closer to one million. Now, that is a million no one can take to the bank.

The Pacific northwest has been a burgeoning disaster for over 15 years. Who game a dam? 

August 24, 2015
By Bettina  Boxall

Last summer, (click here) a narrow, rock-rimmed stretch of the Sacramento River near here turned into a mass graveyard for baby salmon.
Upstream releases of water from Shasta Dam were so warm that virtually an entire generation of endangered winter-run Chinook was wiped out. The eggs never hatched, or if they did, the emerging young soon died.
A similar disaster could unfold this summer. And if the drought drags on for another year or two, wild populations of some of the state's most prized fish are likely to vanish.
"We're going to be losing most of our salmon and steelhead if things continue," said UC Davis professor emeritus Peter Moyle, a leading authority on California's native fish. Also in danger are the long-suffering delta smelt, whose numbers have plunged to what he called "the last of the last."
"It would be a major extinction event," Moyle warned....