Saturday, August 29, 2015

I am getting more than a little annoyed with all the oppressive demands on Hillary Clinton's right to free speech. It would seem as though Republicans can use the First Amendment at will, but, Hillary Clinton has to be controlled. If Republicans are allowed to define the political language, they control the political outcomes. 

Hillary Clinton has every right to express her understanding of an issue using whatever words she wants to use. If Republicans are allowed to complain about her words and their context her message will be altered and oppressed. The First Amendment belongs to everyone in the USA, even minorities.

I did notice there is far less scrutiny of Senator Bernie Sanders than Hillary Clinton. His exemption could be due to the political right LABELING him as socialist. He isn't a socialist. He is a legislator that looks to the middle class as the moral statement of our democracy and he is correct. The middle class defines 'the opportunity' within the USA that provides upward movement and better quality of life.

The poor in the USA also defines the equity of our democracy. It is important the poor is upheld as the very minimum the USA allows to protect it's people. Removing voting rights from minorities and the poor is not the promise the USA has in it's image. The USA is suppose to be the land of opportunity and justice. It is time it returns to that status. 

This is not a single issue blog. It never was. Understanding what is good for Earth is to understand what is good for the people. People live in societies that define their lives. There has always been a clear understanding what impacts people impacts our Earth's troposphere. There is no separation at all. 

Where it comes to politics and the point of view of this blog, it is equity. It is recognizing everyone seeking to serve the people and love this country have the right to do so without oppression of any form. 

That is not my agenda, it is the agenda of the USA Constitution and the understanding our forefathers wanted the USA to be a place of equity, opportunity and lack of oppression. Our forefathers were great men, visionaries and men of peace.