Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Senator Lindsey Graham's analogy is fraudulent.

South Korea, Japan and Germany are not the Middle East. They were countries where a war was SETTLED with a peace agreement. That hasn't and won't happen in the Middle East. The USA can't even get Israel to sit at a peace table.

Where was the permanence presents in Vietnam when the USA pulled out?  

There is a video on You Tube that shows a West's video journalist recording from within the USA compound in Saigon. The North Vietnamese rolled into the compound very shortly after the President of South Vietnam appeared in the media and surrendered. 


They were Russian tanks. 

The people of the USA always think the USA left Vietnam to a group of barbarians. Not the case. The North Vietnamese had very powerful allies. 

The USA 'broke' Vietnam and we surrendered. The Vietnamese had to regrow their country from the ground up. Enough of the false analogies. Those analogies are based in politics, not fact and certainly not reality. 

The helicopters went into the ocean because the aircraft carrier had to keep the runway clear. There were a lot of helicopters in Vietnam.