Sunday, June 28, 2015

I am no one's fool.

What does one say when confronted with such authority? Pope Francis is incredible. He is in touch with an entire planet. 

Catholics Worldwide (click here) — The Top 20 Nations Account For 65.5% 

This illustration is from 2010. According to the data then Catholics the Vatican was responsible for is 19 percent of the entire population of Earth. Pope Francis needs to be heard. He needs to be heeded. There are many, many people, nations and countries involved in his reach. I don't know of another leader, faith or otherwise, with such vast responsibility. 

If the United Nations would consider sponsoring him at a General Assembly, it should do so. It will be a solace to many of the leaders within the UN. 

The report by Pope Francis is current and accurate. He is a great leader.

Everyone better pay attention. 

I had a vision of what was needed to change this devastating course fifteen years ago when I felt the burden of the much maligned science and movement to bring resolve to this global disaster. I didn't mention drought is a state of emergency. It is a slow burn. The average drought is in the making at least ten years. 

That vision hasn't changed. Not one bit. But, the resolve to enact it is as urgent. I had this down. I was within six months of the beginning of anticipated disastrous consequences. The problem was that even I didn't believe my own understanding of Earth's deterioration. It wasn't validated anywhere I looked. But, it's correct. I can't believe how correct it is still today. On a time scale of a global capacity with a time line over 100 years, six months is a very small margin of error.

I wouldn't still be out here if I thought my purpose had ended. 

The urgency is real. Very.