Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Governor Chris Christi doesn't take three days to make a valid statement. They all said it was over in New Jersey with Bridgegate. He apologized to a mayor and worked with any authority that had questions, he independently investigated the complaints and he is still standing. Chris Christi is a viable candidate. I have enjoyed his recovery from Bridgegate. I don't necessarily agree with his policies, but, he is the candidate that should be representing the Republican field. He is smart and has success in his history, a family man and a great American. Republicans need to have more like Christi in their party rather than taking turns at the presidency and losing.

The primary reason Chris Christi was elected governor was because New Jersey's economy and tax structure is a mess. He inherited a lot of problems. I have watched him seek to balance the New Jersey budget, but, I object to his ways. He didn't raise taxes and became creative in his journey through the monies in every nook and cranny and some of his ideas per his State of the State was really on the edge of inappropriate. When he was looking for fiscal residuals among the towns and counties to benefit the state budget he reminded me of "W." W didn't care where money was in residual in the federal government he took it and distributed among cronies. Christi didn't feed his cronies with the residuals. He wanted the residuals to pay the state budget. 

Don't start about the pensions. They were in arrears long before Christi got to office. He may have had ambitions to get the pensions up to speed and reduce any possibility of bankruptcy, but, it feel short. His ambitions were good, the ability to carry out that promise never came about. He hasn't trashed pensions and he is not a Rick Snyder. He does have morals and I can respect that. Other than politics he is not self serving.  

I am quite sure the Democrats kept him honest and in check, but, Christi was a good governor. He will probably leave New Jersey in better condition than he found it. The Republicans need men and women with integrity and not slap stick sell outs. I am getting really tired of the status quo Republicans. They cause a lot of problems. 

I heard he is pulling some antics about guns and women. It is a mistake because New Jersey has a great track record in both those issues. New Jersey's history is most admirable when it comes to caring for women and preventing danger to citizens with guns. I haven't looked, but, my guess is the number of deaths of police and state police in New Jersey is less than the rest of the country. I remember the death of a state trooper and I want to say his name was LaMonica. The state was traumatized by his death. Rightfully so. The trials were held in Somerset County with sharpshooters on the roof and the tightest security, including German Shepherds inside every door. When Christi challenges New Jersey gun laws there are plenty of reasons to hold the line on change. 

New Jersey is a really nice place to live. They love green. The state's past economy was heavy industry. That isn't there any more. Today it is Big Pharma. But, the shrinking industries in New Jersey has never been replaced to the state's economy and let's face it 2008 wasn't helpful.