Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bill Maher is a charlatan? Really?

I really do not believe it is Mr. Maher that is the charlatan! (click here)

Mr. Lewis is a revisionist, (click here) both historically and in modern day current events. I think that makes Mr. Lewis the charlatan.

Unfortunately, "The Daily Beast" saw it fit to attempt to stone Bill Maher for a very forward leaning set of interviews beginning with Senator and Democratic Presidential Nominee Bernie Sanders.

The show was laced with all kinds of right wing hatred in the way of inaccuracies, including that of Ms. Coulter. 

But, Mr. Lewis, went out of his way to revise the facts regarding the deaths of nine wonderful, Christian, Rocks of the community. He states Mr. Roof attacked the church. No, he didn't attack the church and he never even thought of using a bomb. Mr. Roof was unemployed and I was surprised he had enough bullets to refill the gun five times. Five times. That is 30 bullets, right? If Mr. Roof had attacked the church with a gun he would have shot bullet holes into the exterior and possibly through windows, but, that isn't what Mr. Roof did.

Perhaps, Mr. Lewis should read the police and court documents. They really should be very accurate considering justice hangs in the balance. There are no words that describe the church being attacked, but, there are words describing nine death people, some very elderly. Mr. Roof has no respect for life and considering he was beginning a career of crime with a drug problem he didn't respect his own life.

Mr. Lewis stated something even I was interested in. He stated Mr. Roof would have passed any background check. Exactly. See, Mr. Roof had premeditated those murders. Mr. Roof only recently got into trouble with the law, but, hadn't been convicted yet. He knew if he was found guilty he would possibly lose the right to own a gun. He wanted to carry out those assassinations in that particular church real bad. He wanted it so bad he could taste it.

Mr. Lewis is correct and that only goes to prove why gun laws are required.