Sunday, May 24, 2015

I was surprised to find a page about "Female Athlete Triad" on a kid's health website.

Hannah joined the track team her freshman year and trained hard to become a lean, strong sprinter. When her coach told her losing a few pounds would improve her performance, she immediately started counting calories and increased the duration of her workouts. She was too busy with practices and meets to notice that her period had stopped — she was more worried about the stress fracture in her ankle slowing her down. 


Although Hannah thinks her intense training and disciplined diet are helping her performance, they may actually be hurting her — and her health.

What Is Female Athlete Triad? (click here)

Sports and exercise are part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. People who play sports are healthier; get better grades; are less likely to experience depression; and use alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs less frequently than people who aren't athletes. But for some girls, not balancing the needs of their bodies and their sports can have major consequences.

Some girls who play sports or exercise intensely are at risk for a problem called female athlete triad. Female athlete triad is a combination of three conditions: disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. A female athlete can have one, two, or all three parts of the triad.

Triad Factor #1: Disordered Eating

Triad Factor #2: Amenorrhea

Triad Factor #3: Osteoporosis