Monday, March 16, 2015

Jeb Bush's view of the world is based in Republican rhetoric. Nothing new. He is as extreme as anyone stating they are a candidate.

Jeb Bush holds two standards of engagement. There was a house party thrown for him in New Hampshire. He was asked a question by a Blogger and refused to answer it. He stated he would get to the media's questions later. And indeed he did. He moved outside the house and out to the road at the end of his time with the party.

- When he engaged the media his favorite statement was "I don't know." His body language reflected an interested person in the politics of the day and not a candidate.

- When he was in the house he engaged every question and never once said, "I don't know as the answer to the entire question." His answers at the house party were that of Republican rhetoric. 

This was his replies inside the house:

- He wants to re-engage in war. He classifies war as the country's foreign policy. He wants Congress to re-engage war immediately and the Senate should pass their legislation with a Super Majority of 60 votes to prove the USA democracy works. Then take the bill to the President. He states the Obama Administration is not good for America, is entrenched and and practices disengagement.

He states, " Our friends don't believe America is reliable. Name a country where the American relationship is better today than when Obama came into office. Possibly Iran, Cuba and I don't know about North Korea. But, American policy is not good for Canada, Egypt, Turkey and the Middle East in general." He didn't believe NATO was engaged and questioned whether NATO was a viable treaty, because, Russia is moving so aggressively. 

He stated the negotiations with Iran are flatly wrong. He believes the USA is negotiating down. I am not sure what that means, but, I suppose there have been concessions for Iran's openness and willingness to negotiate and provide access to Iran's facilities. He doesn't think any of that should have occurred.

"Our friends need to know we have their back and our enemies should fear us."

- This is a new one regarding the USA Debt. Not deficit, but, debt.

He believes the reason the current national debt is not being addressed because the interest rates from The Fed are zero, so why would anyone do something about the national debt. The debt doubled under President Obama and when the percentage rates return everyone will be sorry.

Bush states reauthorizing of the K-12 law (Currently called "Race to the Top," which replaced "No Child Left Behind," will be an opportunity to remove the federal government from education. "Common Core" is up to the people and local control is better than federal engagement. Bush has turned away from his own educational program

He did say a proverbial school district needs a definition by federal law.

- Jeb Bush sees his energy policy the same as Bush/Cheney. Natural Gas is the fuel of choice.

He believes the only role the federal government has is more research, such as horizontal drilling. 

Other than that the public should pick through supply and demand to decide the energy works best. He stated the free market is far better than anything the government can do. 

"I don't think industrial planners are neceseary to do this. Governments power should be limited in the energy market..

Unlike "W" he doesn't point to China as a problem with greenhouse gases, but, points to Europe as never reducing greenhouse gases.

- Bush wants to repeal Obamacare, but would take elements of it and provide bipartisan support for a different law. He stated the definition of pre-existing condition is obtuse and needs to be looked at.

Bush sees reduction in utilization by making people healthier. Pre-Obamacare was a model based in treating sickness, but, there should be prevention of illness for every American. He likes managed care. The best option is for people to keep their money and manage their medical expenses themselves (That is known as a health care savings account.) 

Bush wants tort reform to reduce lawsuits. He state the uncertainty of a lawsuit creates defensive medicine. He states his wrist watch is not high tech, but, according to what he understands the new devices can monitor an American's health and it can send messages to the doctor if anything goes wrong.  

- Immigration

He states Americans are afraid of Islamoterrorism because during the Obama Administration the US border became more porous at any other time in the USA. 

He was disappointed in Congress and should have prioritized the border spending. The border can be managed through the US Budget with prioritized spending. There needs to be more money for funding a strategy against fraud.

He states 40% of illegal immigrants come to the USA with an illegal visa. He says 80% of legal immigrants come through family petitioning.

"We don't have an immigration system that is strategic. We have a noble immigration system, but, not a strategic law. The immigration law for the USA should be more or less like a football draft choice."

He states the Congression should have fully funded Homeland Security even though President Obama wrote an illegal Executive Order. He didn't think President Obama has the power to write such an order, but, he also thinks the Texas judge was also outside his authority in denying the order. He was troubled a President could allow 3 million people be provided for with an Executive Order. 

He wants the impact of policy to be reflected in the federal budget. There needs to be a return to annual budgets and not continuing resolutions. He said Congress was still utilizing continuing resolutions for the US federal funding. He wants Republicans to hold on to the majority because Republicans lead best. 

Jeb Bush wants a federal balanced budget amendment. He sees no problem with funding the military with a balanced budget. "All the states have balanced budget laws so the federal government should as well." 

"The Obama economy based in rebuilding the Middle Class is a failure." The USA has to grown at 4 percent.

If the economy grew at 4% per year, (click here) we would create 10 million additional jobs during the next decade, returning the economy to full employment through growth alone, with no rise in government spending.

The regulatory system has to be updated to the 21st generation. The energy revolution was important to the 4% growth. After 10 years of 4% growth the USA would have additional jobs the size of Germany. The 4% growth would supply the US Treasury with an additional $10 billion a year. That is what he said. It doesn't make sense.

He hold The Federal Reserve for many of the problems the USA faces economically. He says there are many accounting problems at the Federal Reserve. 

He is worried about the Baby Boomers coming into retirement. Basically, he is stating the entitlements have to be addressed. In the same breath he says spending has to be  far less with the national debt benefiting by those spending cuts.

Small business owners demand full repeal of the Affordable care act. He finds the ACE flawed to the core, but, understands why a few people benefit by keeping their children on their policies until they are 26 years old. Raising the minimum wage at the federal level would reduce job growth. When asked then why a minimum wage law at all? He didn't reply.

- Veterans
The one African American at the house party asked about Bush's position on Veteran's Affairs. He stated there was strong bipartisan support Veterans Reform because both John McCain and Bernie Sanders support it. However, the reforms of the VA system is only partial for the health challenges our Veterans face. There is long term disability coming from the wars in Iraq and ? Iran ? and the law passed last year was a voucher system. The veterans taking advantage of the VA hospitals was very small compared to the number that requires care. The sequester hurt the VA system a great deal. The USA Veterans need private hospital care no different than anyone else in the USA. 

When asked about alternative energies his only point of view was the point to developing ethanol production in the USA was to introduce it in small increments, not as much as is being marketed today.