Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Western youth are more suscepible to influence than the regional faithful.

March 16, 2015

By Patrick Cockburn

Inside the 'Islamic State' - part two: (click here) Continuing his landmark series on life inside the Islamic State, Patrick Cockburn hears the story of a former Isis fighter who chose to desert rather than take part in the barbarity visited on the jihadis’ enemies


This is ethnic cleansing. The Shia have every right to fight these death squads and if Iran wants to assist it is understandable. If they don't fight for their lives in Iraq they will be forced to fight for their lives in Iran.


,,,He became conscious that if he stayed in Isis he would soon have to carry out an execution himself. “I don’t like Shia but when it comes to killing them I was shocked,” he says. 

He refused to execute some Sunni accused of working with Iraq’s mostly Shia government “or what they [Isis] call ‘the pagan government’,” he said. Surprisingly, he was not punished for this, but was told by his commander that he would be asked to carry out an execution later and, in the meantime, foreign jihadis would do the job. 

Hamza gives a fascinating insight into the lives led by Isis fighters. “I was paid 400,000 Iraqi dinars (£231) a month in addition to many privileges, including food, fuel, and more recently, access to the internet,” he says....

Part of the ritualistic initiation was to rape women of different faiths. Raping women due to their ethnicity and/or their religious affiliation is genocide. The women don't have to be dead to call it genocide. All they have to do is be pregnant with another ethnic's baby to eliminate the ethnicity over time from existing.

...“On the other hand, there were some Tunisian Muslim girls who came from Syria. Those Muslim girls were sleeping with some commanders under a marriage contract for a week only and then they were divorced and married to another one. I asked one of them how she had come to be in Syria and she answered that she had travelled first to Turkey and then across the Turkish-Syrian border.” The three British schoolgirls who likewise crossed into Syria may well find that they are similarly treated by Isis....

The members of Daesh were seduced by ideology and money. Once again is the poverty ranking of their members. The no longer suffered in poverty, they were elevated to a higher quality of life.

...When they took us to Raqqa, all the fighters became convinced that the boundary between Syria and Iraq is fake and we are all united under the rule of the Caliphate. Psychologically speaking, I was so relaxed and happy to go there because it was a nice feeling to destroy the borders between two governments and pass through them. This was really a great achievement.”...

The leadership in Daesh knows how to expose their soldiers to violence without alienating them. They know exactly what they are doing. Daily rituals of cultural status adds to the psychological stability of what is nothing short of an assassin.

...Asked if he had carried out any executions himself, Hamza said that he had not and explained why. “I was not ordered to do so because according to Isis rules, the trainee needs more than six months to be ready to carry out an execution. But this is not the only criterion. The trainee should also show additional skills in his religious education and military tactics as well as many other tests....

One of the revelations that have come out of hostage accounts is the regular faux beheadings they were exposed to. It is a method of training the hostage to tolerate without question their regular torture. Daesh provides enough regular trauma to the hostage until they become numb and passive to this activity.

When Daesh executes a person by beheading they don't fight back. They simply allow the torture for it to be over. When they are finally killed the hostages have no will of their own.

The reason "Jihad John" is always the one to kill them is so they are passive and not alert to any other reality that might startle them enough to fight back. The hostages don't know it is coming and if they do then they have already accepted their fate.

...It was shortly after he had refused to execute Sunni prisoners (resistance) that Hamza and other Isis volunteers were offered the 13 Yazidi girls for sex. (seduction back into the ranks) He says that the two events together shattered his idealistic enthusiasm for Isis and created doubts in his mind. He gives a compelling description of his mental turmoil at this time, thinking of “the executions, or more horribly the beheadings, as well as the raping of the non-Muslim girls. These scenes terrified me. I imagined myself being caught up in these shootings, executions, beheadings and raping, if I stayed where I was."... (The seduction didn't work with Hamza, so he deserted the ranks of Daesh. He is still worried now about being discovered and killed himself. To leave the ranks of Daesh is peril, but, Hamza valued the after life and knew he could not face death as prescribed by a faux faith in Islam.")

The passive-aggressive methodology is everywhere. Isn't that the black flag in the museum? First Daesh takes possession and then uses genocide to eliminate any cultural evidence. Destroying a culture without any killings is also genocide. 

Hamza stated he refused to execute Sunnis. Daesh isn't about religion, it is about power. It doesn't care the ethnicity or the faith, if Daesh is not accepted as the governing authority the people are executed. All faiths in the region and all ethnicities are in danger. Daesh is not about religion, it is about power.

The methodologies are entirely passive-aggressive leading to genocide. The people entrenched in this control might rise up to fight for themselves if they were alarmed enough to realize their ultimate faith and spiritual death.

If Daesh has to maintain a quietness about the truth of their existence in order for the people to remain calm, it can be undone. 

Westerners have comfort in their lives and religion while important isn't as intensely present in their lives. If Westerners are being handed 'the real Islam' and they are made to feel guilty regarding their faith, they are more susceptible than others already in the region. 


Hamza stated women recruited into Daesh are first placed with a Commander in marriage. Then after a few weeks are divorced and placed with others. The girls coming from Europe are being duped with STATUS of a "Commander" (They are special.) and this is simply another method of building an empire through genocide. The young people they can recruit the sooner Europe will no longer exist as it does now. Daesh, while dedicated to forming a caliphate, are not in any hurry. Daesh realizes a larger military is needed to march into other lands.