Friday, February 06, 2015

The Democrats are missing a supporter to the opposition of the TPP, namely Libertarians.

"There is a lot of protectionism for corporations in both the Pacific and Atlantic trade partnership acts. That is not free trade."

"These trade agreements were partisan legislation after 911 for the purpose of closer relations between countries." 

"Economists do not project recessions. In 2008 CBO was hugely wrong and promising a rosey picture." Sorry, but, that backs the growth and investment in local economies. The more secure local economies are, the more resistant they are to recession.

Libertarians are also saying some very interesting things about our skewed political system. "Rather than investing in R&D companies are investing in politics on K Street. The reason for that is because competitors are using the political process to displace competition." It is the view of the research at Cato the monies used for political leverage is coming from the once valued Research and Development budgets in companies.

Companies such as Koch Industries use old world technologies and products for their profit. They have no use for R&D in the way progressive companies use it to expand and enter markets.