Saturday, February 07, 2015

That is one of the most interesting assessmenst I have read on Ukraine's future.

February 8, 2015

MUNICH - US Vice-President Joe Biden (click here) said on Saturday that Washington wanted a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine but added that Kiev had a right to defend itself against Russia and that the United States would provide it with the means to do so.

"The president and I agree we must spare no effort to save lives and resolve the conflict peacefully. As Chancellor Merkel said today, it's worth the attempt," Biden told a security conference in Munich.

But he added: "Too many times President Putin has promised peace and delivered tanks, troops and weapons. So we will continue to provide Ukraine with security assistance, not to encourage war but to allow Ukraine to defend itself."

"Let me be clear we do not believe there is a military solution in Ukraine. But let me be equally clear, we do not believe Russia has the right to do what they're doing. We believe we should attempt an honorable peace. We also believe the Ukrainian people have a right to defend themselves," Biden said....

The outcomes are at the conscience of Russia. If the violence continues and the escalation is clear the responsibility belongs to Russia. If Russia presumes the rebels are in their best interest and support their outcomes with the potential of war, it is at the Russia doorstep we can place the brevity of the outcome.

Russia has yet to demonstrate a clear alliance with the rebels since the outcomes refuse agreed paths to peace. Basically, Russia is fueling violence without any clear outcome except that of escalation of the violence. The rebels ambitions are not abated by Russia's involvement. Russia has been completely ineffective in enforcing a peace agreement without punitive measures to bring the rebels within the peace accord. Rather than punitive measures, Russia indulges further brinkmanship by the rebels which is a standard known to be Russian. 

President Putin's statements about protecting Russia speaking people loses validity when realizing the rebels are advancing rather than establishing themselves within the peace agreement. Advancing where and to what extent? Is Europe and all the post Soviet states within the plans? Does President Putin view the post Soviet states as Russian speaking as well, even in their alliance with NATO?