Saturday, February 07, 2015

Well, isn't this special.

February 7, 2015
By Louise Story and Stephanie Saul
...Last fall, (click here) another shell company bought a condo down the hall for $21.4 million from a Greek businessman named Dimitrios Contominas, who was arrested a year ago as part of a corruption sweep in Greece.

A few floors down are three condos owned by another shell company, Columbus Skyline L.L.C., which belongs to the family of a Chinese businessman and contractor named Wang Wenliang. His construction company was found housing workers in New Jersey in hazardous, unsanitary conditions....

New York City has become a place where fugitives gather. And the new Undocumented Workers. That is some of the most creative outsourcing of American jobs I have ever heard about. The Chinese come with their own impoverished workers class.