Wednesday, February 04, 2015

I don't know when I shed as many tears as I did this evening.

The Robert's Court walked on the lives and graves of these people. We need a minority congress and it has to be the Democrats that do it in 2016. The Dems need to run as many Hispanics as possible, where that is not possible then African American, where that is not possible then Asian Americans, etc., etc., etc.

We need our country back. At the end of every week, I am going to look at the monies in my accounts and I am going to make a donation to the Democratic National Party. No nonsense. No silly devotion to issues that won't win the elections.

We already know the lady that is going to win the White House. She needs a minority Congress to bring about the change this country needs. It is time to get serious. 

I don't know what is wrong with Hollywood. Maybe it isn't time for Brad Pitt to be Producer of the year, but, they are wrong. There may not be a lot of gadgets and whistles in this picture, but, there is a profound human story being told. This is the USA. This is a story about the one most important and precious power we can give our citizens. There isn't anything more important. Go figure.