Thursday, January 22, 2015

Stop creating a political issue about abortion.

...Amniocentesis is generally done between weeks 15 and 20 (click here) (usually around week 16) to look at genetic information. It can also be used later in pregnancy to see how the fetus is doing.

Amniocentesis for birth defects testing

Amniocentesis is often done around week 16 to see whether a fetus has certain types of birth defects. Amniocentesis can also tell the sex of your fetus.

Amniotic fluid has cells that have been shed by your developing fetus. The cells are checked for the number and size of chromosomes (karyotype) to see if there are any problems that put the baby at risk for certain conditions. Testing is most commonly done as early as possible so that women and their families have time to consider their options. But amniocentesis cannot find many common birth defects, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, heart problems, and some types of intellectual disability.... 

Studies have shown the actual development of the fetus to feel pain is 22 weeks, but, for the sake of argument I'll settle for 20 weeks.

The eleven points (click here) below summarize the substantial medical and scientific evidence that unborn children can feel pain by 20 weeks after fertilization....

The idea pain is a decision regarding abortion is false. It has decades since Roe v. Wade. What has occurred in those decades is the discovery surgeons can perform surgery in utero. Therefore, administering anestesia to a fetus is not issue anymore.

More and more women are being burdened by legislators who seek to instill religious values in our country. The decision regarding abortion is between a woman and her doctor.

Where did I hear that before? Health issues should be between people and their doctor? 

I know where I heard that, it was during the hysteria surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. That's right. The Republicans were stating the government should not be involved in health care, those decisions are between a person and their doctor; UNLESS; that person is a pregnant women and then the government has more rights than the person.  

I suppose a person's liberty is insured with guns, but, not their own health care where privacy is no longer guaranteed.