Thursday, January 22, 2015

Senator Menendez is welcome to take his concerns to the United Nations.

There is a treaty called the Non-Proliferation Treaty (click here). There are many countries in violation of the NPT. The United Nations can be asked to enforce the NPT, which would be refreshing. Short of war there is no control the USA can exert to stop a nuclear weapon. There is nothing the USA can do besides war to end a SUSPECTED nuclear weapons program, ie: Iraq and WMD.

September 6, 2014
By Kevin Rawlinson and agencies

UN inspectors have gained rare access (click here) to an Iranian nuclear facility, giving them a "better understanding" of Tehran's disputed programme, it has been reported.
They observed a plant where centrifuges for enriching uranium were developed as part of a transparency deal but acknowledged that Iran remains resistant to an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) investigation.
According to a confidential IAEA report obtained by Reuters, inspectors visited a research and development centre for centrifuges on 30 August. It gave neither details nor the location of the site. But such access could be crucial to helping the agency determine how far along Iran might be in developing more modern models of the machines.
Iran's efforts to replace the breakdown-prone, 1970s vintage IR-1 centrifuge it is now operating at its Natanz and Fordow enrichment plants are closely watched by the west since success could lead to more efficient equipment enabling the country to amass material that could be used for atomic bombs more quickly....

Now unless Senator Menendez has read the classified document, which I doubt, he has no basis for his fear mongering. That is exactly what those words provide. Without any basis Senator Menendez is fear mongering and painting President Obama as an ally to Iran.

When fear mongering results in threats to Iran there is a good chance the negotiations will be disturbed at the very least. Senator Menendez obviously has problems with the administration and he needs to take HIS fears forward to resolve his lack of knowledge to the activities of Iran. 

Oh, yeah, I doubt Israel has any knowledge of the documents at the IAEA unless of course they stole it. 

If the NPT is going to be enforced there will have to be inspectors in ALL these countries and determine if they have WMD. Then the countries will have to be disarmed of their nuclear program. The one country that worries me more than any other, is not Iran, but Pakistan. Pakistan is not one of the permanent countries to the NPT. I wish someone would get on with this and make the world a safer place. Quite frankly, if all the illegal nukes were disarmed, the five permanent countries could get very serious about eliminating their own programs that have no purpose except to be a budget expense.

President Obama's administration has focused on genocide. I don't any other weapons that can cause genocide as fast a multi-national nuclear war.