Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I realize the word treason receives the same type of welcome Hilter does, but, I don't know of another word.

The religious right wing, which includes Mr. Huckabee, actually thinks the US Constitution was written to allow them to rise to power to claim the USA for God and the end of time. 

Anytime I've listened to Huckabee it is extremism. It is an ism. He is an absolutist. 

Why is it that the right to religion and it's practice and the collection of moneys to support that presence in worship is suppose to be a right to dictate law?

Extremist Christians believe the laws of the USA were modeled after the ten commandments. Not. "Thou shalt not kill," is a reason for imprisonment and potentially execution in Saudi Arabia as it is in the USA. 

So, the very people that USE the laws of freedom in the USA would see them taken away from people who believe and see the world differently. If the extremist Christians had their way the entire of the USA would have their freedoms removed to bow to a theocracy.

Marriage is marriage and it can be between any gender that fall in love and want to spend their lives together. Mr. Huckabee has no corner on this and his insistence his priorities are achievable if he were president is treasonous. There is no other word. It is victimizing and unconstitutional to believe religion of any kind can dominate the laws of the USA.