Tuesday, January 20, 2015

President Obama's speech is focusing on quality of life and the esteem of the USA internationally.

His two strongest domestic programs is opening up Community Colleges for everyone and supporting the Middle Class with tax deductions for child care. The support the Middle Class gets will provide buyers to the housing market and that is our goal.

The trade deal he wants with Asia have merits so long as they are building their own Middle Class. That is not a requirement in the TPP. We have witnessed many instances where workers are at risk for death because of substandard working conditions and poor pay. I don't see the USA consenting to any of that in a trade partnership.

Mars scares me. I don't believe it will go well. NASA provides little insight to their preparedness and expectations. In the past NASA has been under enormous pressures to perform, I hope that isn't the case in regard to Mars. I disagree the Mars expedition is a one way trip. I don't see it that way.

Loopholes have always been a place where Republicans like to focus their votes, so let's get it done.

I like the pencil applause. Europe has always been in a more precarious position than the USA or North America really regarding terrorism. I do believe the current threats and the round up of those planning violence was to be a tipping point. It was going to happen anyway. It was a strong and determined Europe that changed their fate. I am proud to be their ally. 

Europe was too pliable by culture and it was easy to prey on it. Europe is different today and while we all long for the soft and welcoming culture there is also very important security values that have to come first. 

It is time for Cuba. I was pleased Pope Francis worked to bring this chapter of tensions to a close.

The reading on 'the pulse' began to dive with the discussion of Cuba. The American people don't like to think about foreign policy. 

Sorry, we part company on intelligence. I think it got lazy. Computers came to be the focus of our intelligence and that was a huge mistake. Focusing on computers has increased invasion of privacy and prevents nothing.

Africa needs respect for life. The poverty that besets Africa is systemic. It is time for the United Nations to re-evaluate the problems of Africa. Policies haven't lifted them out of poverty or away from violence. Africa deserves global attention to correct it's path.

I think he has the picture regarding the Climate Crisis. It is nothing but bad news. Why First World leaders look the other way is beyond understanding. President Obama has begun profound global leadership when he brought China to an agreement with the USA. Republicans have pointed a finger at China for over a decade starting with George W. Bush. Bush set up a new monitoring station in California to specifically monitor pollution from China. It is time for the Republicans to move forward as President Obama has committed the USA as a partner with China to stem the emissions of greenhouse gases. 

The time to close Gitmo is long past. Gitmo is a recruitment tool.

Yemen’s capital, (click here) Sana’a, appeared to have fallen to Shia rebels on Tuesday, after militants overran the presidential palace and secured control of most other state institutions after two days of deadly clashes.
The fate of the country’s elected president, Abed Mansour Hadi, remained unclear, as the rebels, known as Houthis, rampaged through the city. Hadi was believed to be barricaded in his home in another part of Sana’a, which was being shelled throughout the evening.

I have yet to understand how al Qaeda is assigned as a strong force in Yemen. Al Qaeda is not Shia.

We have all had enough of war, President Obama.

Ah, the ill repair of the political condition in the USA. Good luck. We don't even have Republicans willing to protect the people of this country from air and water pollution. We don't have a Republican from Alaska willing to realize the deadly damage of the Climate Crisis. I admire the President's insight, but, they don't care and I don't expect that to change soon.

Hate is still on the ballot, President Obama.  

Family members are questioning (click here) the death of a 95-year-old WWII U.S. Air Corps sergeant who killed by cops at an assisted living center last month after resisting medical treatment.

It wasn't bad enough a 95 year old man was killed when hit with bean bags from police, but, the right wing media has to march this incident out as racism because there was no black media making this an issue. This didn't the help, but, the fact everyone wasn't up in arms it was a race issue because right wing media demands equal representation to erase their guilt.

"I know because I won both of them."

Oh, yes, you did.