Tuesday, December 09, 2014

This is what a police chase looks like in Russia.

What is lacking in this video?

The element of death. That chase can cause an accident especially with the snow on the ground, but, that doesn't seem to be a problem. Both cars are moving along without any skidding or change in the direction of the chase.

We already know in the USA high speed chases of criminals are also not advised because it leads to the death of innocent people.

The officer on foot is able to have somewhat of an easier time catching the car than the chase car. He's rather amazing. He not only caught up with the car, but, opened the door and entered the vehicle. Unafraid.

And someone might say, but, this is Russia. No one can own guns in Russia. 
Only Russian citizens who are over eighteen years of age can own civilian firearms. Guns may be acquired for self-defense, hunting or sports activities only. Russian citizens can buy smooth-bore long-barreled firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules. An individual cannot possess more than ten guns unless part of a registered gun collection, guns that shoot in bursts and have more than a ten-cartridge capacity are prohibited.
Carrying permits are issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. People who acquire firearms for the first time are required to attend six and a half hours of classes on handling guns safely and must pass federal tests on safety rules and a background check. Gun licenses are for five years and can be renewed.

Firearms Control Legislation and Policy: Russian Federation (click here)

The criminals in Russia do exist no different than in the USA. The complaints of people in the USA are about three things; political prisoners, the mistreatment of prisoners and prison conditions. Human rights issues and add to that the freedom of expression (ie: Pussy Riot) and civil rights for all (ie: LGBT). Those human rights and civil rights issues can be considered political prisoners. None of the criticism of Russia has resulted in a war.

Ukraine is separate issue. Russia broke a treaty and then disregarded the USA and the EU and wrote a different treaty that is fading in and out of the differences between the two border countries. 

But, the ability to own guns is basically the same as the USA with some safety concerns built in.

The USA has a problem. A very profound problem. The problem is corruption. The relationship between local prosecutors and their police departments have allowed the growth of uncontrolled and aggressive police. The techniques being witnessed across the board are very aggressive and these are our citizens committing minor offenses that need nothing more than the issue of a written citation to appear in court and/or mail in the fine. Parking tickets basically. 

The police in the USA that perform duty among it's citizens everyday are not the Swat Team. Even when the Swat Team is called to remove the homeless from a park, the use of force is completely out of control. Dogs? What the heck are dogs doing policing the homeless? Such concerns by a city or town should be answered with a ride to the shelter and nothing more.

The police in the video above are completely unafraid of the person driving the car, why? Because whatever the problem is, is already known to the police. They are chasing the car for a reason and they DON'T EXPECT THE CITIZEN TO ESCALATE the tensions that already exist. The police have no intention of escalating any of the circumstance now faced by at least the three people involved.

That is a major difference between what is occurring on the streets of Russia and other countries and the streets in the USA. The police in the USA are escalating the interaction of citizens with law enforcement; not the other way around. The police are too aggressive and in turn citizens find themselves in a place where they are unarmed and in danger. The policing in the USA is out of control. It is vigilantism. It is turning sane sensible people into activists to DEFEND themselves from the man with the gun. This time the man with the gun is a cop.

The USA police are assigning danger to any interaction by anyone so long as they have dark skin in order to substitute caution and restraint for gun violence. The officers are way out of line and have hair triggers.

There is a problem. It is not a myth. It needs to stop. None of the protesters are over reacting.