Tuesday, December 09, 2014

I don't need to read the report regarding abuse by the CIA. I already know what happened to their service.

CIA Director George Tenet had a reality check with the attacks of 911. And not because it happened, but, because the warning in the PDB was never heeded.

Tenet will never admit it, either. But, when 911 happened and he realized the PDB was simply regarded as a burden for a later date; he decided there was nothing to do except passify those in power and save the American people from danger.

He didn't care if the CIA was breaking rules or disregarding international law, his first allegiance was to the people of the USA. It meant dealing with the Bush White House and their cabal and their faux war, too. The first words Tenet heard on the morning of September 12, 2001, is where is Iraq in all this? 

He chose a path. It doesn't mean it was his choice to make so much as protecting the country and citizens. Protecting them from their own President and his staff.

The report? It is vital to returning the USA to a place among nations as a trustworthy friend with transparent and honest intentions. The report undoes what Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld did.