Monday, December 01, 2014

Drunkenness is no excuse for domestic violence.

One moment in their lives (click here for video) brought Ray and Janay Rice into the public eye for all the wrong reasons. While Ray Rice has now been reinstated, and is looking for a team, his life off the field, and that of his wife Janay, are forever changed by what happened in that elevator....

This interview was the first time I learned they were drinking heavily. I realize drinking alcohol is something that is legal and occurs socially, but, when a couple or person realizes when they drink heavily there is a potential for violence, they should not go there.

I don't dispute the appeal, I am not one to understand the underpinnings of the NFL, it's rules or decisions; but, when violence results when drunkenness occurs, where does it stop?

I have a great deal of respect for Mr. and Mrs. Rice in their earnest pleadings with the public to prove they had a bad night and it should not disturb Ray Rice's career. I think they are well married. She is a beautiful woman, graced with the understanding of a public life and they obviously are involved with each other. I hope their marriage celebrates 100 years. But, they need to be able to look at each other over the breakfast table and say, "We really should not have gone there at the casino, honey." I want them to say that to each other and mean it. Because their drunkenness sparked outrage and rightfully so. The outrage was not about the spectacle, it was about the safety of Mrs. Rice.

They can obviously forgive each other, but, when it comes without a lesson learned there is no reason to believe it won't happen again only with greater consequences. 

I wish them both the best and considering Mrs. Rice has made this effort to reach the public and put everything into context proves she deserves the trust of the NFL. She and Ray still need to work through some personal issues, but, what couple doesn't. If Ray Rice has the talent the NFL needs, no owner should be so worried about his public image that he doesn't get a job. Keeping Ray Rice out of employment is further compromising the happiness of this marriage and no one wants that.